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Felhasználó név:

Publikációs adatbázise-GFR kalkulátorKidney and Blood Pressure ResearchHypertonia és Nephrologia
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Társasági hírek

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    ERA-EDTA Young Fellowship Programme, következő határidő: 2015.02.01.
    [2014.11.26.] - MANET - Hírkategória: Általános
    The ERA-EDTA Young Fellowship Programme is going to soon be opened for submissions: the next Call deadline is scheduled for February 1st, 2015.
    The Young Fellowship Programme offers an opportunity to young investigators and clinicians to increase their contribution towards the development of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation in their home countries as well as to increase the exchange among European Nephrology Centres.

    From 2006 until now, 81 Short Term Fellowships (STF) and 88 Long Term Fellowships (LTF) have been granted.

    The applicants can ask to perform the ERA-EDTA fellowship in any Centre within the ERA-EDTA geographical Area (*).
    To help applicants to find an Host Centre, ERA-EDTA invites Clinical and Research Centres which are willing to receive an ERA-EDTA fellow, to submit their availability by filling out and sending to the Fellowship Department (fellowship@era-edta.org) the forms that are available at the following links:
    For CLINICAL Centers: http://www.era-edta.org/Call_for_European_Clinical_Centers.doc
    For RESEARCH Centers: http://www.era-edta.org/Call_for_European_Research_Centers.doc

    There is no deadline for this and the submission can be done at any time during the year.
    Submissions will be evaluated by the SAB Coordinator for final approval before being published online in an appropriate page of the ERA-EDTA web-site (see links below).
    The Lists with all details concerning the Centres is regularly updated and can be consulted at the following links :



    Please notice that starting from 2014 ERA-EDTA supports different kinds of Fellowships:
    • Research Fellowships, which can be Long or Short Term Fellowships (LTF / STF-R), intended for advanced training through research and/or promoting a research collaboration between two institutions;
    • Clinical Fellowships, only Short Term Fellowships (STF-C), intended for training in specific clinical techniques (e.g. renal biopsy and pathology, epidemiological and statistical skills, renal ultrasound, etc);
    • NEW! The ERA-EDTA Council approved a new type of Fellowship that, however, can only be held at the ERA-EDTA Registry (AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands): Registry Fellowships, which can be Research Ultra Short Term - Short Term Fellowships (e.g. ERA-EDTA Registry, ESPN/ERA-EDTA Registry, EURODOPPS) or Educational/Clinical Short Term Fellowships (intended for training of renal Registry Staff). Evaluation Procedure performed by Registry Committee.
