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Felhasználó név:

Publikációs adatbázise-GFR kalkulátorKidney and Blood Pressure ResearchHypertonia és Nephrologia
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Az MANET hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Open call for two positions within the board of the Young Nephrologists’ Platform (YNP) of ERA-EDTA.
    [2017.01.18.] - MANET - Hírkategória: Általános
    We are pleased to announce that there is an open call for two positions within the board of the Young Nephrologists’ Platform (YNP) of ERA-EDTA.

    The deadline to apply is 28 February 2017 at 17:00 CET.

    In order to apply, you must send your CV on the appropriate TEMPLATE >> and 3 accepted abstracts, for which you are 1st author of at least one, at international congresses in the last five years and of which at least one is at an ERA-EDTA Congress to ynp@era-edta.org.

    Before applying, we ask you to carefully read the YNP regulations >> and to consider the following main points:

    • Only for ERA-EDTA Full members, who are not older than 37 years at the beginning of their term on the YNP Board.
    • The six elected board members may not be from the same country. We can thus, unfortunately, not accept any candidates from Italy, Portugal, Spain or The Netherlands.
    • We underline once more that you must be the 1st author of at least one of three accepted abstracts at international congresses (at least one must be at an ERA-EDTA Congress) in the last five years.
    • Candidatures sent after 28 February 2017 at 17:00 CET will not be accepted.

    We very much look forward to receiving all eligible candidatures.

    Best regards,

    Carina Ferreira
    YNP Chair
