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Publikációs adatbázise-GFR kalkulátorKidney and Blood Pressure ResearchHypertonia és Nephrologia
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A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

The NephroWorldCup.com Tournament begins 1 November 2022.

A hír kategóriája: Általános

A cikk kelte: 2022.10.04.


The NephroWorldCup.com Tournament begins 1 November 2022. There are 15 prizes that will be apportioned to the top 12 players based on rank. Details of the prizes can be found on the website (click here). The prizes for this year’s Tournament are educationally valuable and appropriate. We would like to thank the following individuals for their support and generosity: • European Society of Organ Transplantation (ESOT): Dr. Frank Dor, Ms. Chiara Parisotto, and Ms. Devi Mey • European Renal Association (ERA): Dr. Kate Stevens, Ms. Monica Fontana, Ms. Laura Azzolini, Ms. Manuela Lorusso • American Society of Nephrology (ASN): Dr. Sue Quaggin and Mr. Tod Ibrahim