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Publikációs adatbázise-GFR kalkulátorKidney and Blood Pressure ResearchHypertonia és Nephrologia
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A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

ISN-ISRNM Webinar: A Practical Guide to Nutritional Screening and Assessment in Patients with Kidney Disease (August 17, 2023)

A hír kategóriája: Általános

A cikk kelte: 2023.08.08.


Learning objectives:

Address use of cost-effective tools for nutrition screening, assessment, and monitoring in patients with kidney disease, while comparing the practices in high-income, lower middle and low income countries
Recognize and evaluate both under-nutrition and over-nutrition in patients with kidney disease
Stay up-to-date with latest advancements in diagnosing protein-energy wasting

Register now