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Felhasználó név:

Publikációs adatbázise-GFR kalkulátorKidney and Blood Pressure ResearchHypertonia és Nephrologia
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Társasági hírek

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    A UEMS-RS legfrissebb hírei
    [2017.02.26.] - MANET - Hírkategória: Általános
    Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

    This e-mail is to update you about the UEMS Renal Section and Board activities. There are several aspects, please read it carefully

    1) As you know in a week (March 1st) we will have the first edition of the exam to obtain the European Nephrology Certificate. I have to thank again all of you on behalf of the UEMS Renal Section and Board executive for your help in the recruitment of candidates for the exam, so far 119 registered, this has been a common effort with a great success !!!

    2) We would like to draw your attention about some Pre Congress activities in the 2017 ERA-EDTA Madrid Congress, Concretely the day of ERA EDTA National President meeting , the day of the UEMS Renal Section and Board Meeting and finally about the day of the first Educational CME pre-congress organized. by the UEMS Renal Section and Board and the ERA EDTA centered in “Nephrology Training”

    A) The National Presidents meeting with the ERA-EDTA will be in June 2 (afternoon-evening), the National Presidents will receive the complete information from the ERA-EDTA office.

    B) The UEMS Renal Section and Board meeting will be in June 3 from 09.30 to 11.30,(earlier than previous years) due to the fact that from 12.00 to 14.00) we will have the Educational CME mentioned above. (PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THESE PRE-CONGRESS ACTIVITIES when you make your reservations to come to Madrid next June in order to be present and participate in the discussions.) In addition, the UEMS Renal Section and Boards has planned to give personally during the CME course a “printed European Nephrology Certificate“ to the candidates who passed the exam.

    3) Finally, I want to stress that we need your collaboration to disseminate in your Society the enquire prepare for the working group of the UEMS Renal Section composed by Nadine Volgesanz and Professors Sandor Sonkodi and Talia Weinstein (see the link below). This short enquire has been designed to obtain information related to the specific factors that may influence the decision of young doctors to select the medical specialties. We will use the results of the survey in the CME in Madrid. In order to know a great number of opinions useful to envision and develop strategies to encourage young physicians to select Nephrology as medical specialty.

    4) Please distribute the survey with the link among young Nephrologists, tutors and mentors of your National Nephrology Association.
    (The link is: https://europeannephrologysurvey.typeform.com/to/N2AHVP) >>

    The survey is easy to answer and takes only 5 minutes.

    In December I sent a letter to all National Presidents and only 576 Nephrologists, mainly from 8 Countries participated. There were 2, 1 or NO participations from several countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Croatia, France, Germany, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Slovakia, Slovenia) I can presume that was just for a fail in the distribution of the information .
    PLEASE DISTRIBUTE THIS INFORMATION ASAP in order to have results from a representative European sample.

    Jorge Cannata-Andía
    On behalf of the UEMS Renal Section and Board.
