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54th ESPN Annual Meeting (22 - 25 June 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia)

A hír kategóriája: ESPN hírek

A cikk kelte: 2022.04.01.


Dear friends and colleagues, It is our great pleasure and privilege to invite you to Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia in June 2022 for the 54th ESPN Annual meeting. The scientific committee of the ESPN 2022 is proud to prepare a program of outstanding scientific quality in collaboration with several international societies to stimulate cross-talk between different specialties involved in the treatment of children with kidney and bladder disorders. Experts from our society as well as international speakers will join forces to deliver state-of-the-art lectures, generate debate and identify questions for future research. The program includes a full spectrum of presentations from master classes, basic research and tertiary care nephrology to nephrology issues in a more general pediatrics setting. IPNA-ESPN Master for JC program and teaching classes will also be held before the main congress. Our program is designed with young nephrology fellows in mind, the future of our society. The meeting will be held in Ljubljana, in the Cankar Hall, the largest Slovenian convention, congress and culture center. Ljubljana is Slovenia's capital and largest city in Slovenia. It's known for its university population and green spaces, including expansive Tivoli Park. It is one of Europe’s greenest and most livable capitals. The curving emerald-green Ljubljanica River, flows through the city’s heart, free for pedestrians and cyclists, and is lined with many outdoor cafes, which in summer set up a terrace seating along the river. It divides the city's old town from its commercial hub. Ljubljana has many museums, including the National Museum of Slovenia, displaying historic exhibitions, and the Museum of Modern Art, home to 20th-century Slovene paintings and sculptures. The local organization team is fully motivated and actively at work to create a lively event that will offer an unforgettable experience for all participants. Please do not miss the opportunity to be part of this exceptional event and join us in Ljubljana on June 22 - 25, 2022. We look forward to welcoming you in Ljubljana. More details, online registration on the website