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Nominations for 2024 ISN Awards

A hír kategóriája: Általános

A cikk kelte: 2023.05.18.


The ISN presents awards and prizes that acknowledge exceptional contributions to nephrology at the World Congress of Nephrology (WCN). The nomination period for the 2024 ISN Awards will be open until August 31, 2023. Although you must be an ISN member to nominate a colleague, nominees need not be members. Find all nomination requirements below and in the PDF here: ISN 2024 Award Nominations_20230510.pdf • The Bywaters Award recognizes exceptional contributions made to the understanding of Acute Kidney Injury. • The Jean Hamburger Award recognizes outstanding research in nephrology with a clinical emphasis. • The Lillian Jean Kaplan International Prize for Advancement in the Understanding of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), recognizes individuals exhibiting excellence and leadership in PKD clinical or basic research whose seminal scientific work constitutes a tangible achievement toward improving the knowledge and treatment of PKD. Nomination requirements for the Bywaters Award: • Nominator details: full name, ISN membership number, and contact information. • Nominee details: full name (as listed in publications), and contact information. • Supporting statement: a description of how and why the nominee’s work contributes to productivity and scholarly advancement in the field of Acute Kidney Injury. • Full curriculum vitae and bibliography of the nominee. • Letters of support: at least two letters of support must be provided. Nomination requirements for the Jean Hamburger Award: • Nominator details: full name, ISN membership number, and contact information. • Nominee details: full name (as listed in publications) and contact information. • Supporting statement: explain why the nominee should receive the award (maximum 300 words). • Curriculum vitae of the nominee: not to exceed two pages. • Letter(s) of support: optional (no more than three). The ISN Awards Committee, chaired by the ISN President, and an AKI expert for the Bywaters Award, recommend winners to ISN’s Executive Committee; the Executive Committee decides the winners and ISN Council approves the decisions. Nomination requirements for the Lillian Jean Kaplan Prize: • Nominator details: full name, ISN membership number, and contact information. • Nominee details: full name (as listed in publications) and contact information. • Supporting statement: a description of how and why the nominee’s work represents a major advance in the basic or clinical understanding of PKD, distinguishing aspects which set it apart from other work in the field and a summary of the nominee’s contribution. • Full curriculum vitae and bibliography of the nominee. • Letters of support: at least two letters of support must be provided. The Lillian Jean Kaplan Prize Advisory Committee selects a winner; Mr. Kaplan, the ISN Executive Committee, and the ISN Council approve the decision. Additional information for nominations: • Previous winners of an ISN Award or the Lillian Jean Kaplan Prize are not eligible to be nominated. • Members of the ISN Executive Committee are not eligible to be nominated. • Self-nominations are not accepted. • The principles of ISN, including its Diversity Policy, are considered when selecting a winner. Winners will be recognized at the ISN World Congress of Nephrology 2024 Buenos Aires, Argentina, from April 13-16. If you have any questions about the 2024 ISN Awards, or require assistance with a nomination, please contact my colleague Jo-Ann Donner at jdonner@theisn.org. Best regards, Kelly Hendricks and Silvia Salaro International Society of Nephrology (ISN)