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Reflecting on 2024: Your Role as Member in ISN's Global Impact

A hír kategóriája: ISN hírek

A cikk kelte: 2025.01.02.


Az ISN 2024.12.23-i hírlevele megtekinthető ide kattintva

A tartalomból:

President Masaomi Nangaku Reflects on an Outstanding Year of ISN's Progress in Advancing Kidney Health Worldwide. Together.

Dear ISN community,
As the year draws to a close, I am truly gratified by all that the ISN accomplished in 2024. Throughout the year, we were guided by our concerted efforts to ensure that kidney health matters on the global health agenda. A key highlight of this work was “Chronic Kidney Disease and the Global Public Health Agenda: An International Consensus” published in Nature Reviews Nephrology in April 2024. This publication highlights kidney disease as a significant contributor to premature mortality among noncommunicable diseases.