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WCN'25 Wrap-up: Thank You & See You in Japan!

A hír kategóriája: ISN hírek

A cikk kelte: 2025.02.10.


Az ISN 2025.02.09-i hírlevele megtekinthető ide kattintva

A tartalomból:

Thank you for being part of WCN’25!

What an unforgettable experience this has been! Thank you to all our attendees, your participation and contributions were key to a successful WCN.

A special thanks to our hosts, the Indian Society of Nephrology, whose tireless efforts ensured a seamless program. We are also grateful to our industry supporters, distinguished speakers, and all who contributed behind the scenes.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to immediate Past-President Masaomi Nangaku for his unwavering dedication over the past two years and offer a warm welcome to our new ISN President, Marcello Tonelli.