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EKHA-EU aktuális programok

Dear EKHA members and supporters,

With this second newsflash of 2024, we would like to give you an update on the latest developments at EKHA and our network.

Click here!


Online network meeting European Elections 
On 13th March from 16.30-17.30 CEST
PREVENTCKD: shifting gear in CKD prevention!
Friday May 24, from 16.00 – 17.00 CEST,

Concept paper on organ donation and transplantation

Members events

Dear EKHA Members, 

We are pleased to share the European Kidney Health Alliance (EKHA) “Kidney Manifesto - An EU strategy to improve kidney care during the 2024-2029 mandate” for the 2024 European Union elections and awareness-raising infographic on kidneys, “Show your Kidneys Love”. Both documents are embargoed until tomorrow 11:00 CET.

Through our manifesto and infographic, we seek to raise greater awareness among EU policymakers of the burden of chronic kidney disease (CKD), which has gone underrecognised in EU health policies. Specifically, the manifesto calls for improving the primary and secondary prevention of kidney disease through the implementation of an EU code for CKD prevention, improving organ donation and transplantation in the EU through the implementation of a second EU Action Plan on Organ Donation and Transplantation, and fostering innovation in kidney therapies through greater support for promising public-private partnerships. At the same time, the “Show your Kidneys Love” infographic, featuring the invaluable contribution of the late Tina Turner, outlines our kidneys’ role, the impacts of CKD, key risk factors, and offers insights on ways to prevent CKD. 

Please find the manifesto and infographic attached. In addition, please find attached several template posts on the manifesto for publication on social media, and a template e-mail, should you want to further amplify the release of these documents within your own network. 

We remain available to provide additional information and to address any questions you might have. 

Kind regards,

Alicia BÉ
Public Affairs Advisor
European Kidney Health Alliance

Dokumentum címe

Publikus dokumentumok

European Kidney Health Alliance Kidney Manifesto – An EU strategy to improve kidney care during the 2024-2029 mandate 
 2024.01.16. 0,517 Mb
Show Your Kidneys Love 
 2024.01.16. 0,412 Mb
EKHA Kidney Manifesto Communications Toolkit January 2024  
 2024.01.16. 0,154 Mb
EKHA EU Public Affairs Calendar 
 2023.11.20. 0,154 Mb


European Parliament 2019-2024 >>

Revision of the EU general pharmaceuticals legislation >>