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ISN Oktatási anyagok

ISN Academy Online Learning

https://www.theisn.org/education-external/isn-academy >>
ERKNet (The European Rare Kidney Disease Network) Webinar

You can find the schedule for upcoming Webinars, as well as all past Webinar presentations on the ERKNet website http://www.erknet.org >> under the Education & Training tab.
New Cochrane Library Review

ISN Education presents new Cochrane Library materials on Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents for anemia. Introduction: Anemia affects nearly all adults with advanced kidney disease and is linked to fatigue, breathlessness, impaired quality of life and physical function, and shorter survival. ESA treatment aims to improve anemia-related symptoms and minimize treatment-related cardiovascular events. Several ESA classes are available for anemia treatment (epoetin alfa, epoetin beta, darbepoetin alfa, methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta as well as biosimilar ESAs) but whether these drugs have differing benefits and harms is uncertain. This Cochrane review directly compares available ESAs for treatment of anemia among adults with chronic kidney disease. Authors: Suetonia Palmer: Suetonia is a nephrologist based at the University of Otago, Christchurch in New Zealand, and who trained in New Zealand and the USA. She is an Editor for Cochrane Kidney and Transplant. Giovanni Strippoli: Giovanni is a nephrologist based at the University of Bari in Italy, who also trained at the Sydney School of Public Health, Australia. He is an Editor for Cochrane Kidney and Transplant and the journal Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation. Discover more Cochrane Library materials on ISN Education >>
New research article published from the Global Outreach Postings (GOP) Program

ISN Education presents a new research article published from the Global Outreach Postings (GOP) Program >> Submitted by Dr. Olga Chub, "Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Production in uropathogens from hospitalized patients with chronic pyelonephritis">> has been published on ISN Education and will be published in the next edition of The Open Urology & Nephrology Journal>> under a specific ISN-GOP heading. Volume 8, 2015 Read our previous GOP article by Mayoor Prabhu in the latest Volume of the Open Urology & Nephrology Journal. Manual Acute PD with Rigid Catheters: A Relook >> ISN Education’s GOP program aims to give nephrologists from emerging countries a chance to have their research reviewed and published. Submit your manuscript today >> Click here to view all GOP articles >>
ISN Education's top content from the first half of 2015

Az alábbi összefoglalóban visszatekintünk az International Society of Nephrology (ISN) távképzési programjának első félévére, a legnépszerűbb oktatási anyagokra. Az összefoglaló letölthető ide kattintva >>
ISN Education: interventions to delay CKD progression

This week ISN Education focuses on key interventions to delay CKD progression. ISN Education brings a selection of presentations on "How to effectively retard progression in CKD" from ISN's World Congress of Nephrology, 2015. Also, the recorded version of the live webinar, "Update on slowing CKD progression," the second part of a two-part series by George Bakris, is now available for on-demand viewing. World Congress of Nephrology 2015 ISN Education releases presentations from WCN 2015 session "Lost in translation: How to effectively retard progression in CKD" Session Presentations: What have we learned on prevention of progression? >> By Maarten Taal The link between AKI and CKD >> By Paul Lawrence Kimmel Cost-Effectiveness of Renal Outcome Modification by Educational Intervention for Moderate-stage CKD in Japan >> By Masahide Kondo Non diabetic vs Diabetic >> By Piero Ruggenenti Click here to view more WCN 2015 presentations >>
ISN Education 'Ask the Experts'

Az ISN "Ask the Expert" szekciójában feltett legújabb kérdések és a rájuk adott válaszok ide kattintva tekinthetőek meg >> Kérdést ide kattintva tehet fel >>
Presentations from ISN's World Congress of Nephrology

ISN Education releases the Plenary Session presentations from ISN's World Congress of Nephrology 2015. These were presented by speakers with varying backgrounds in nephrology whose biographies you can read here http://www.wcn2015.org/program/speakers Hypertension and kidney disease: The fault is not in our stars, but may be in our embryos: http://www.theisn.org/education/education-topics/hypertension/item/1996-hypertension-and-kidney-disease-the-fault-is-not-in-our-stars-but-may-be-in-our-embryos >>) By Barry Brenner Planetary health: why health matters for human civilization? (http://www.theisn.org/education/education-topics/general-nephrology/item/1995-planetary-health-why-health-matters-for-human-civilization >>) By Richard Horton Why and how ageing makes us sick? (http://www.theisn.org/education/education-topics/general-nephrology/item/1998-why-and-how-ageing-makes-us-sick >>) By Tom Kirkwood Intestinal Microbiota in Health and Disease (http://www.theisn.org/education/education-topics/general-nephrology/item/1997-intestinal-microbiota-in-health-and-disease >>) By Dusko Ehrlich Click here to view all WCN 2015 plenary presentations: (http://www.theisn.org/education/education-topics/general-nephrology/item/1997-intestinal-microbiota-in-health-and-disease >>)
ISN Education: 18th & 30th Vicenza Courses on PD

ISN Education közzétette weboldalán a "18th & 30th Vicenza Courses on PD" előadásait. Az előadások megtekinthetőek ide kattintva >>
A 2015.02.17-20-i San Diego-i AKI & CRRT Konferencia előadásai

Kedves Kollégák! Az ISN közzétette weboldalán a 2015. február 17-20. között San Diegoban rendezett AKI & CRRT Konferencia "Updates in ICU Medicine: Controversies, Challenges and Solutions"" fő témában elhangzott előadásait. A következő linkre kattintva Dr. Mark Okusa előadását hallgathatják meg:
Neuro Immune Control of AKI and Inflammation >> A CRRT szekció összes előadása ide kattintva tekinthető meg >>
A World Congress of Nephrology 2015 előadásai elérhetőek az ISN honlapján

Az ISN honlapján elérhetővé tette a Wold Congress of Nephrology (Cape Town, South Africa, 2015. március 13-17.) alábbi szekcióinak előadásait: - Preventable AKI - Towards new therapeutic strategies of anemia for renal patients - Water Intake - the good, the bad and the ugly - Hypertension and the metabolic syndrome: New anthropologic and pathophysiologic insights - Membranous nephropathy: Toward personalized diagnosis and therapy - Lupus nephritis: A story of old and new drugs Az előadások megtekinthetőek ide kattintva >>
WCN 2015 Renal Biopsy Histology Procedure Manual

This manual provides an overview of the use of various techniques to assess a renal biopsy. Technical procedures for allocation and processing and staining the renal biopsy for light microscopy, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy, and procedures for commonly used special stains are provided. Click here to read the manual >> About the Authors Agnes B. Fogo and J. Charles Jennette are experienced renal pathologists, based at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN and University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, respectively.
ISN távoktatás: Dialysis Vascular Access

ISN Education is pleased to offer a new interactive module on dialysis vascular access. This module provides an overview of the anatomy, surgical techniques, access monitoring, cannulation methods and introduction to endovascular interventional treatment to maintain the patency of this 'lifeline'. A self assessment component at the end of each topic will keep the learner engaged all through the module. Click here to learn more about and access the VA Learning Module >> Az ISN Education bemutatja a 2014 márciusában San Diegoban rendezett CRRT Konferencia előadásait >>
Vesebiopsziával kapcsolatos továbbképzések elérhetősége:

Az ISN vesebiopsziával kapcsolatos szakmai anyagai megtekinthetőek ide kattintva >> Kiváló továbbképzési lehetőséget biztosítanak tagjaink számára!
A pathológiai témájú továbbképzések elérhetősége:

Az ISN pathológiai témájú továbbképzései >>